9 Ocak 2012 Pazartesi

Making Bookmarks With Disabled Children (2 hours of SERVICE)

 On saturday, January the 7th, we (me and my friends) did bookmarks with disabled children. Our first goal was to encourage children to read books.  We wanted them to learn that reading books can make people happy, can make people think more clearly and can help them to act with more sensitivity.  Our second goal was that even if they are disabled they could do normal stuff as healthy children do.
 Making bookmarks was our strategy. We know that making handcrafts is one of the things that children love the most so it was a tricky way to convince them that reading is FUN. When we were making our bookmarks with papers and colorful pencils we mentioned the good ways of reading such as reading in libraries, reading with patience. We also mentioned that they can find interesting fictional books for their ages. They were all so exited about reading and they all promised us that they will read more and more...
 As for me, I really enjoyed in this activity. I felt that I can be able to advice good things to them, make them know the good things in our life. I know that their life is so hard for them. Being different is a hard thing and they are not able to make a lot of friends so, I hope they can see books as a friend. A friend that they can share their secrets with. I'm pretty sure that in our next activity, they will say that they are started to read a book. :)

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